Just feel like posting some random pictures I took in these past few days.
Random #1
Mum made sushi last week and I prepared the ingredients for her. See how nicely I set it up for her convenience?
Random #2
"Oh ~ Who live in a pineapple under the sea?"
"SpongeBob Squarepants!!"
My bro was playing with his watercolor and I just thought I’d paint something and this was what I came up with. And then I looked at it and thought it reminded me of SpongeBob opening theme. But I noticed SpongeBob has 3 trees instead of 2. You have to be a fan of SpongeBob to understand what I’m saying XP

Random #3
I went to Sungai Liang Recreational Park last Sunday and as a regular, I always come across this particular tree that is odd.

Not all areas have proper trails. Some are just dirt trails like the one my dad likes to follow.

Random #4
This is a picture taken with my 2yrs old niece (my cousin’s daughter). She looked like she’s suffocating besides me -_-" Next time, I’m just gonna let her sit on my lap.
Alright, that’s about enough of my randomness. The next post will be more serious, I promise =D
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