One Night


A few nights ago I was having trouble sleeping (happens all the time) so I just laid there staring at the rotating fan hanging from the ceiling. Then suddenly I saw a movement to my right. I turned just in time to see a creepy crawly disappeared behind the curtain. I didn’t mind at first. After about 20 minutes, I turned to face the wall and opened my eyes to find myself staring at that spider only inches away. I scrambled from my bed and nearly stumbled on the floor. It crawled along the wall and did a Spiderman-style swing to the fan control. It was so fast! Here’s a shot of the spider speeding across the wall.

It kept crawling in circles around the four walls. I already had trouble sleeping and it was just not helping. I tried shooing it out of the door but it was stubborn. After several failed attempts, I gave up. I pulled my bed to the center of the room and slept with the bed in that position for the rest of the night. The next day, the spider finally went out of the room to its own will. Anyway, here’s a close-up of the spider. It’s a beautiful spider in nature but apparently not when it’s on your room’s wall.


nina pepet said...

ewwwwww....besarnya...gali eh usulnya