I've been out to the city centre non-stop these past few days. Everytime I go there, I keep telling myself that I should walk so that I can exercise while shopping but alas, laziness got the best of me so whenever I'm near a bus stop and a bus is approaching I can't help but hop on it. I'm such a lazy person. Alright, I'll walk tomorrow. Challenge accepted!
We made it to the BT today! Here's a nice little screenshot of us on our first day of raya. Thanks to Farah for submitting this photo!

The BT 03/09/2011
So, is anyone up for cold Japanese dish? We've got a good restaurant here called Lush. You've got to try the food here. Unfortunately, the 'wasabi' I bought has expired so I have to throw it away. Oh well, I'll try to finish the tub next time.
Next time? There won't be no next time! Sorry, impromptu rapping.
Do you know how strong is the smell of Lush products? Well, I can smell it as I turn the corner of Lands Lane into Commercial Street. If you don't know where that is, let's just say the smell is pretty strong. But the funny thing is, Lush products have a tendency to lose its smell if you leave it there for a while. It doesn't linger on your skin very long at all. Surprisingly, my Dove stays longer. That makes me wonder if its because Lush products are natural products therefore the smell fades naturally?
Soaps, bombs and whatnots.
I still have the lip scrub which I have no use for, honestly. It's now packed away in one of my boxes and I've checked that the expiry date is still far away so that's fine.
I watched this film last week (or the week before) with Izzy. It's quite a good flick so you guys should check it out. Of course, I only watched it for Justin Timberlake :)
Lady Gaga on the display for Mac products. This was taken just a few days ago and yesterday, this ad has already been replaced by a new one. You can never keep up with these kind of new ranges of cosmetic products because cosmetic companies are always in a rush to market new lines. It's just too tiring to even think about it. One of the reasons why I don't bother.
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