On the day of the "reporting", we took the opportunity to explore London a little bit more. What better way to do so than to visit Madame Tussauds? I'll be a little silly with my post so let me begin my story.

We started off by arriving fashionably late with our dates. It wasn't us who were late. It was the guys. They just had to get their hair done to perfection.
Once we arrived, I was seated next to Clooney. We had a great chat about Ellen stalking him and of course, the weather. Mimi was nowhere to be found so I went looking for her. After a while, I found her chilling at the backstage with Spielberg and Barrymore.

Okay, this story telling is tiring so I'm changing my tactic to just put random captions for the rest of the post. #FAIL

One of my favourite bands!

Errr, emm. Lost for words. Basically, Mimi was the decent one.
What? You didn't know I was the torch bearer at last season's Olympics? Watch the tape again.
Cute and clever!
Go, GB!

Me with that evil guy and that genius.

Yay to Marvel comics! I really enjoyed the Marvel 4D show at the theater there. It was ironically my first 3D experience ever so not surprisingly I was jumping off my seat like a freaking noob.
So that's about it. I hope you like the pictures as much as I enjoy taking them. This may be my last "adventurous" post. Anything after this will just have pictures of me staring at my laptop because I will be back home by then. But hopefully I can squeeze in one last post before my flight. We'll see. Until then, chao!
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