There was a rumah terbuka at CLT earlier just now with food, performances and lucky draws. It was quite fun seeing people from all faculties gathering there. There were also many stalls for the convocation festivities so I can’t stop buying and eating. The performances were good, well, apart from the bad mic/speaker ensemble. I did take a lucky draw price but it wasn’t my number. It was Nina’s. She got the price!
But unfortunately, I didn’t go to the sport complex today. I wanted to play tennis but I had no partner so I didn’t go in the end. So I had dinner even though I felt so bloated from the festival but because I still have today’s coupon. So I came back dragging my feet up the stairs feeling exhausted and tortured from the food. After that, it was all relaxation: shower, movies, and not to mention, a new song on the guitar.
Speaking of guitar, my capo broke in half. Nina and I were in my room and we were playing guitar. I used the capo and while adjusting, and testing the strings, the capo broke in half and flew in different directions. I got a slight hit on my right wrist but thank God it didn’t hit us in the face. It’s so dangerous, worse than a snapping broken string I’m telling you. You do not wanna see broken metals flying in your direction. So, now I have to buy a new one. Sigh. There goes my good old capo.

my tortured capo
* A capo is something you clip on the fret of your guitar to change the key
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