

I woke up suddenly expecting a knock on my door. There was none. I squinted at my watch: 10:00am. Yup, it’s a good time to wake up. I thought it was cleaning campaign day but actually that was last week. I can’t stop thinking about it after I accidentally skipped it. Well, it wasn’t really accidental. I actually forgot completely about it until three days later. It just suddenly hit me. “Wait a minute! I thought we’re having this cleaning campaign some time soon?” I searched for a notice but failed to find one. That’s when it struck me, I missed it. I asked my neighbor and apparently, someone did knock on my door. I heard but I ignore it because I was too sleepy to move. Now the regret lingers on me. Regret that I can easily get through this but I didn’t. I more or less slept through it. I’m not a cleaning campaign enthusiast, let me get that straight. I just want more ticks on my passport activity. Occasionally I still think about it like this morning when I wake up. I think it’ll be sometime before I get over it. Come to think of it, it’s just some stupid event that nobody cares about. Why am I whining? Go figure!