Shely, you posted about your dream where the kittens died. It reminds me. I dreamt of the same thing a few days ago. In my dream, the dogs tried to eat them. I know it’s cruel but hey, I didn’t have the remote control to stop it. Someone let the dogs loose and they went chasing after the kittens. I was struggling to save each one of them. By struggling, I mean lying on the ground crawling towards the hopeless creatures and screaming at the top of my lungs. How much tiring can a dream get? It was such a nightmare watching the dogs edged on the poor kittens! It’s like the monitor lizard once again. Now this one is not a dream. How I wish it was. We had a kitten once and one day I opened the kitchen door to find a huge lizard at the edge of the stairs biting something in its mouth. It took me a moment to realize it’s got our kitten. I screamed and the lizard got scared and scurried off, taking its souvenir with it. I was stupid I know. I should’ve saved the kitten. But then amazingly, the little thing came limping back with one twisted eye. I guess I must’ve scared the lizard so much that it let go of the kitten. I guess it’s true they say cats have nine lives huh?
Ok, enough of that. Now on the bright side, I made a sketch the other day and here it is. Guess who? I know it’s a piece of crap but then sketching is tiring and time-consuming, time that may be well spent doing productive work. Well, this is what I do when I’m supposed to do something but did nothing instead so end up doing something else. Ok, I don’t even know what I’m saying. Join the club.
Ok, enough of that. Now on the bright side, I made a sketch the other day and here it is. Guess who? I know it’s a piece of crap but then sketching is tiring and time-consuming, time that may be well spent doing productive work. Well, this is what I do when I’m supposed to do something but did nothing instead so end up doing something else. Ok, I don’t even know what I’m saying. Join the club.

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