Hello 2010! New Year is a great feeling as you feel fresh (even though you’re not) and you make new goals (even though you never seem to follow them). I have to admit that I am dreading the coming semester but I will make it work and that’s a promise. I hope this year is a great year for me since it’s a year of change. It’s a year where I move from one bus stop to the next. I still haven’t reached my destination yet but this is my routine. LOL What an ugly description!

Dad and his chopsticks skill

Okay, that wasn’t suppose to happen

I grilled those beautiful sausages ;)

Stephen and his torn fan

Vance and me

The result of eating lamb chop. Poor fork.

Nice burning charcoal in the grill
We finished early though and missed the countdown. But I had a sleepover and woke up pretty late. But it was quite good, I'm talking about the food of course. hah.
Now, I'm awaiting my results. Bring it!
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