This week is the mid-sem break which is why I find myself napping at odd times which is really unhealthy and I really need to start getting some work done. The much dreaded project is still on hiatus which is bad news for me so I need to get on it as soon as I can.
Recently, I bought an eye shadow at the place where my sis work. I actually wanted to get the gel liner but they ran out of stock, as always. This was what I got.

Well, actually, unlike Shely, I am not here to talk makeup at all. I was just busy testing the functionality of my camera so I was looking for an excuse to talk about the photo. As I was searching for ‘test’ subjects, I stumbled upon certain treasures in a treasure chest (
I saw this glass thing on her dresser and thought the colour is really pretty. It’s a perfume. Right? hahah

She also got this make up palette prop up on a holder.

I found this bottle of cocktail by the bed ;)

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