My dad made me a new shoe rack a couple of days ago. By made, I mean really made, like from wood. I begged (sort of) for a shoe rack for days. At first I wanted to buy those shoe racks sold at various stores but the problem with those are they always don’t fit the exact desired space in my room. So finally, my dad made one out of planks of wood. I watched the process. Pretty simple in general but it requires manpower so it’s harder than it look.
You should have seen the shoes piling up at the corner behind my bedroom’s door. It’s so messy that by the time I arranged the shoes, I had to throw away some pairs due to the poor conditions I kept them. But the problem is thankfully solved when I finally have a new shoe rack. And mind you, it’s bigger than a lot of shoe racks you see at furniture shops. And the best part is, it’s custom made, so it fits very well behind the door. Thanks dad! You made my day!

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