Cat Fight


I witness a series of cat fights for the past few days between two stray cats that came uninvited to our home. The most annoying part is they always find the wrong time to fight – after midnight. It’s usually outside my sis window so whenever they start making noises, they would suffer the consequences. My sis would slide open the window and throw things at them, that’s anything she gets hold of. The fight would stop… And then commence again after half an hour. I, on the other hand, sleep soundlessly throughout the entire event. *yawns*

Well, one afternoon as I was preparing to cook, the cats were at it again. So out I went to witness the ‘great’ fight. Oh, before I go on further, let me explain that these are not our cats. They come to us. We feed small portions and they stayed on. My father has thoughts of throwing them away coz they brought flies and fleas with them. But until then, we have to feed them and tolerate with their intolerable fights.
The fight goes like this. They started staring at each other and making angry noises in turn for 10 minutes or so. Then they attacked, rolling about and scratching each other. Then one cat was holding the other to the floor. The intense and long meowing continues.

One cat goes: “meeeooooowwww…..wwwww”;
The other stabs back: “MMEEooooooww!!”;
Then “meeooowww” goes the first one and “MMEEEEOOOWWW!!!” returns the other.
Gosh, I wish I understand what that was all about. It doesn’t make sense to me. I tried joining in the fight and went “meeeooowwww??”

And they ignored me.

It goes on for another 15 minutes. Then they attacked each other again. The fight took so long I got bored so I went back to cooking. When I was done, I looked out the window. They were still burning holes into each other’s eyes. The whole fight lasted 45 minutes, where most of the time they just stood staring and making angry noises at each other. They only stopped because they got tired of doing that. Silly cats. None of them were seriously injured, sorry for the disappointment.