It's probably a good time to do this tag because I have nothing to update. I got "unofficially" tagged by Shely the other day and if you wanna see the content of her bag, click here. After seeing her stuff, I realised how little I own. I don't have one single makeup in my bag and I have no keys! Such a shame. But here's what I do have in my bag for stalkers and whatnots.
This is my very simple targus bag that is conveniently big enough to put in all my purchases without having to hold them in a separate bag.

And these are literally all I have in my bag at the moment.
Top left: umbrella (something I can't live without), tissue, tic tac and a hand sanitiser I just bought yesterday at Guardian.
Top right: my phones
Bottom left: my passport (cos I just travelled), a rail card and a bus pass (which I don't need anymore but haven't got anywhere else to leave it)
Bottom right: the basic essential, a wallet. And of course I also have in my bag this digital camera which I used to take these photos but have no other camera to take a photo of this camera.
Sigh. I'm bored writing this up already. I must be the owner of the most uninteresting bag in the whole world. But then, I don't like messy bags so I guess I shouldn't complain about this one. At least I don't have rubbish in my bag cos I've seen people with bags that have old receipts and used tissues and I don't know how they can go about their lives not caring about rubbish in their bags. I simply can't!
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