This is the part of my life where I no longer have to sit through lectures and study for exams. I don't mean it as a bad thing. In fact, I thoroughly enjoy attending all the lectures here which is quite a surprise because a few years back, I was ready to complain about how lectures put me to sleep but for the past few months, I actually felt excited attending them. How times have changed.
A couple of days ago, the society organised a farewell dinner for those graduating (I wasn't aware that it includes us postgrads as well). We had Indian food and I learned of a new dish called baji which is made of deep fried onions. There was one game where each one of us has a piece of paper with our names on it and we pass it around and along the way jot down a line of message about our memory with whoever's paper we are holding. By the time our own piece came back to us, it's filled with shared memories with each and everyone on the table.

Sharing a table with Nisa, Izzy and Dzar.
Some of the memories are lovely, some plain funny and I got one with a line from a song and also a sketch of me with my guitar. We all had a great night and I have to give it to the committee for organising such a wonderful event.

Me and Bai outside the restaurant after the dinner.
The day after, a friend of ours who were leaving for Brunei wanted to go for karaoke before her departure, so I joined her and her friends at one of the Chinese karaoke bar in the city centre.

That's me at the far end, Raby, Aleef, Izzy and Pak
We're from a country where singing is our entertainment so I dare say that most homes in my country have karaoke sets. I'm no exception. My family has two sets at home. We sing on those machines at least once a week, sometimes more. So being inside this room for me felt like home. It felt like being inside my own living room (minus the very nice pink sound insulators and colourful ceiling)
All I want to say about that night is my friends can really sing!

Rini and Aleef performing one of their many killer songs!

Izzy and I prefer a song with a lower key so Viva La Vida it was.
Raby, the girl who's, in her own words, "leaving on a jet plane".
We all went to the coach station to send Raby off but it was a bit odd. We didn't get a chance to say goodbye to her properly because the coach door closed before she even got on. We all panicked and she ran up to the coach door and waved her ticket at the driver before he decided to open the door to let her in. Once she jumped in, the coach reversed and sped off just like that! It all happened so fast it just felt odd to me. But nevertheless, I hope she has a safe flight home and enjoy the holiday as much as she should.
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