Have I told you that I've recently adopted a pet? My friend will be away for several months so I volunteered to look after her guinea pig. It's a nice change to have a pet at home. His name is Ebom and I've learned a lot about this animal in the past week. It's timid yet it squeaked loudly when I shuffled the bag of pet food to refill his empty bowl.

"Whatcha lookin' at?"
Here's Ebom when he met Mickey for the first time. His reaction? If he's frightened, he's not showing it. Basically, they are both transfixed in that position and didn't move for a good two minutes before I decided I got bored of watching.
This is Ebom jamming a guitar. Sorry, I can't resist it. But it looks so cute in that position! And that's not even my guitar so oops! I hope the owner of that guitar doesn't read my blog.
So basically, all it does is eat, poo, eat, pee, eat, sleep and eat some more. It's not difficult to take care of one. It just felt the same as taking care of my fish the last time. Dogs and cats need more attention so I would recommend this animal if you are considering getting one for yourself.
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