My plan after the exam. Last paper is on Wednesday.
Who wouldn’t want to have days free of work, school, meetings and the likes? To some, it is paradise. To others, it simply means days of extra naps. But I have learned that human is not as simple as that. We’re never really satisfied even if we claim we are. It is no doubt a fact that when one is working, he misses his days being a student, and when one is studying, he just wants to work. But of course this is not always true for all. I have but a few nerd friends who love studying and can’t get enough of it. God bless them for having the brain. That is why professions like researchers exist to feed these hungry people with infinite knowledge.
All I know is I am not these people. I would like to stop studying at one point in my life and pursue my career. Of course, I am contradicting myself here because once I settle myself on a certain profession, the first thing I’ll be doing is study. So we’re back to square one. The moral of the story is the day we stop studying is the day we give up one our work and find no pleasure in it. So whatever you are doing, do it with joy and give yourself some challenges. You might find you’d actually enjoy what you’re doing.

I bought this 3 in 1 coffee at Giant because it is cheap and I just wanted to try this brand. And I regretted it the instant I pour hot water over it in my cup. I don’t even have to describe the horror of it because you can pretty much tell just by looking at it. It smells like burnt coffee to me, even though I don’t know how burnt coffee smells like but I’m pretty sure that I just found out. First of all, there is residue that settles at the bottom, and then the color changes from grayish brown to this muddy dark brown. People, stick to your usual brand the next time you go out to buy a 3 in 1 pack, okay? Lesson learned the hard way. FYI, I’m still drinking it because it’s such a waste. Eek.
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