If you fear insects and wasps, this post is not for you.

Here’s Jimmy. Who, you say? This ‘beast’ here invades my room one rainy night while I was studying Waves (It is not a wasp, scroll down for wasp) This sneaky little thing entered my room uninvited and landed on every possible things in my room; my papers, my desk, my books and even crawled under the cooling pad. He was pretty annoying to say the least and kept landing on the paper I was writing on. I was afraid to sleep at night for fear that Jimmy might land on my face or I might swallow it by accident (very unlikely, though) Well, it was gone the next day. Dead I presume cause insects don’t live that long now do they?
On a different incident, there was a wasp in my room a couple of weeks ago. It’s always there early in the morning and at night. At other times, it cannot be found. But at those times, you can never miss it. And I tell you why. It was building its home behind the lower cabinet in my room. I don’t know why it picked that location. Maybe because it’s dark and I haven’t open that cabinet in ages because I don’t use it (I just leave my travel bag in it)
So anyway, I was cleaning my room after my exam. When I opened the cabinet for the first time in months, I finally saw the nest close up. I was pretty sure the wasp was not around anymore because it looked abandoned. So using the edge of my broom, I gave it a strike. It was surprisingly firm and didn’t come off. So I hit it harder and after a few attempts, it finally gave away. Everything that happened after that was just nasty. Dead wasps fell out and rock hard sand hit the floor causing a mess. There were dead eggs as well, still attached to the remains of the nest. My god, it was really a nasty affair but you gotta do what you gotta do. Do you know what the worst part of the cleaning is? Staring at the nest! I can’t help it. There were about eleven holes and you just have this tingling sensation with goose bumps all over and just want to scratch them out. Don’t believe me? Here are pictures of the nest.

Getting goose bumps already?
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