Posted by
5/29/2010 12:39:00 PM

Posted by
5/29/2010 11:05:00 AM
What does it mean to have candles on a cake for your birthday? Well, you can either see it with optimism or the other way round. To add a candle a year, it really means you've aged a year and you're getting older. There's nothing good about that, is there? But if you are optimistic, you can see it as being one year wiser. It could mean that you become more mature, you have more experiences, you gained more skills and you are more confident. With these points in mind, it's no wonder young people look forward to their birthdays while older ones dread theirs. It is just the way it is.
Last week, we celebrated Shely's birthday at home with simple home cooked meal and a cake. We sang a slow melodic birthday song for her which she thought was creepy. Haha. But I think it's fun. I'm sorry Shely for putting this message on your cake. It's like a slap in your face. Don't worry, you are still young. You'll always be younger than me anyway!

Two days later, we celebrated my mother's birthday but since we were in KK, we celebrated in the hotel. This butter cake was bought in the cake shop on the ground floor of the hotel. My grandma and aunt were with us so we had a small gathering in the hotel room. It was simple but being together calls for a better reason to celebrate.

Posted by
5/24/2010 06:24:00 PM

Posted by
5/24/2010 02:22:00 PM

Posted by
5/23/2010 09:02:00 PM
If you fear insects and wasps, this post is not for you.

Here’s Jimmy. Who, you say? This ‘beast’ here invades my room one rainy night while I was studying Waves (It is not a wasp, scroll down for wasp) This sneaky little thing entered my room uninvited and landed on every possible things in my room; my papers, my desk, my books and even crawled under the cooling pad. He was pretty annoying to say the least and kept landing on the paper I was writing on. I was afraid to sleep at night for fear that Jimmy might land on my face or I might swallow it by accident (very unlikely, though) Well, it was gone the next day. Dead I presume cause insects don’t live that long now do they?

Getting goose bumps already?
Posted by
5/14/2010 01:45:00 AM
The day before I entered the university, I was given this pen with my name engraved on it by my colleagues. It was a farewell gift from them and they had their best interest in me. Fast forward four years, I sat in the examination hall scribbling away with the same pen on my very last answer booklet. Thank god there is still ink left in it (because I’ve emptied out 7 pens in the last two weeks!) If you are expecting another long story then you’re not on the same page as I. I just want to say that this pen has been with me for four years and it survived. And so did I!
Posted by
5/12/2010 10:11:00 PM
My plan after the exam. Last paper is on Wednesday.

I bought this 3 in 1 coffee at Giant because it is cheap and I just wanted to try this brand. And I regretted it the instant I pour hot water over it in my cup. I don’t even have to describe the horror of it because you can pretty much tell just by looking at it. It smells like burnt coffee to me, even though I don’t know how burnt coffee smells like but I’m pretty sure that I just found out. First of all, there is residue that settles at the bottom, and then the color changes from grayish brown to this muddy dark brown. People, stick to your usual brand the next time you go out to buy a 3 in 1 pack, okay? Lesson learned the hard way. FYI, I’m still drinking it because it’s such a waste. Eek.
Posted by
5/08/2010 10:44:00 PM
I don’t know if this is common or not but I have never had a déjà vu experience before. I’ve heard of people around me experiencing it all the time and I thought, “What exactly is this feeling?” They have described déjà vu to me, which is a feeling that you have experienced a situation before even though you haven’t. Déjà vu is French literally translated as “already seen”. I have read articles on this phenomenon and trust me, I have pried my brain to remember myself in any situation that qualifies as a déjà vu experience. I have found none. The closest situation I could find is when I have this uncanny feeling that I have seen a certain place before, but it was in my dream. So that disqualifies it. And because I’ve not had one, I am very curious about this feeling. Is it a good feeling? Is it bad? Do you like having a déjà vu experience? How often do you have it? I already feel less human thinking about it!
Posted by
5/06/2010 04:06:00 PM