I just feel like I should do one more post before the end of the year, and what better time to do it than when I'm all comfy in this quiet cluster? Okay, you got me, I'm supposed to be typing my report now but gimme a break! I've been at it for days now!
I really need to webcam with my family before the end of the year because I avoided them how many times now? Not on purpose so I'm really sorry! It just wasn't the right time. I still have one day to go so I'll hunt them down tomorrow.
And I'm pretty excited for tomorrow. End of the year. Gathering with the people. I bought my gift. It's a big ass one so it'll be embarassing to carry! But I hope that person like my gift.
And the most exciting thing is I'm gonna try out my new shoes! But having test walk it just now, I realise that this is a pair of trail shoes, not running shoes. I don't know how far I can jog in these. And yes I know how the weather looks like these days so I'll go out probably looking like a polar bear.
Is there such thing as a New Year's wish? I do have one...it's the same one I made at the wishing well in London...
Posted by
12/31/2010 02:34:00 AM
It's already 28th December so I was thinking to myself why bother greeting a Merry Christmas? You know what, I'm just gonna say Happy New Year 2011! I hope this year has been good to you because it sure has been the highlight of my life.
New years resolution? I don't bother to do it for 2011 because I already know what's gonna happen to it if I do. Nothing. That's the problem. I'll just go one step at a time, absorb the good and drain the bad. That's how we should live our life, not based on some lists. I know I'm being a hypocrite but a phase change is what I'd call it.
Wish this coming year will be just as good as this current year. May you all be blessed with a wonderful New Year. Enjoy and see you in 2011!

Best wishes,
P.S. Just check my FB if you wanna see photos from Paris et al.
Posted by
12/29/2010 02:50:00 AM
Before I embarrass myself by describing football stuff that I know nothing of, I'm just gonna stop and say that I don't want to explain things I have little or no knowledge on. Everything around me that I saw today, I keep bringing tennis back in my mind; comparing how a typical tennis stadium would defer from a football stadium, how the locker room would be more personalized and how the court would be smaller. I don't understand why people are so crazy about football. Being crazy about tennis makes much more sense!
And yet here I am... touching the ground of Anfield.

This is how the stadium looks like when it's empty. Love it. I can totally bring a story book and sit on one of the chairs and read for hours. Too bad that's not allowed :(

A cute little official badge I got for my monkey. This little thing costs me £3. No shit.
Posted by
12/13/2010 09:03:00 AM
I love food. Have I ever say that before?
And looking at this picture just make me love food more. This is mushroom chicken. Heaven tastes like this :)

It's officially the holiday and so far it's been great. There are, of course, worries about the exam somewhere at the back of my head. That's inevitable but I just want to get my mind off it now and enjoy my days here.
This picture below was one of the few pictures that I took while waiting for my friends in the street of Castleford. I like how this place is outdoorsy in contrast with those high street indoor shopping centers. And the nice thing about this town is it's less crowded than Leeds, which makes the shopping experience here much better.

Posted by
12/12/2010 08:14:00 AM
My mama swore that she would never let herself forget~
Oh, hi there. Sorry I was listening to music now as I type these words. And I can't focus when I listen to music because I'm still mouthing the song so I'll pause the song now...
Ah~ that's better.
Where was I?
In my last post, I was talking about how unlucky I was not seeing the snow fall. Well, I take back the whole paragraph down there. Now every time I go out, I am showered with white specks of snow and I'm beginning to think maybe it's not all that fun after all. Pretty, yes. Fun, depends on where I'm heading...If I'm going to class, I would love to be able to float all my way there. If out for some snow fight, yup that's the fun part!

And my little snow globe with Mr Rudolph looks extra pretty with the snowy background from my window sill. This is my first white Christmas after all!

Also, now that the semester is coming to an end, I fear for the worse to come because we will be having our exams in January, which gives me less than a month to study given the fact that I'll be on vacation in the middle of December. I keep harping about this but I want to do well in my exam and I don't want to flunk any papers!
And to date, I barely started my marketing report. Die la die.
Posted by
12/03/2010 09:26:00 AM
Is this the winter season? I can't really tell but there is already snow all across the UK. I still haven't get the chance to see snow fall and when I look out the window, there is already a blanket of snow and I missed it.
And this is just random but I love this cute little snow globe I got from the German market the other day!

I also love it when my housemates cook because it means I don't have to order takeout and I get to eat homecooked meal. I wish I can cook like them! I can't remember how I used to cook back at home. All I know is I don't get creative and I tend to just stick to the basic ingredients.

Oh yeah, I'm excited about the final today where we will see the two greats playing against each other at the O2 Arena in London.
Who I think would win? I want to say Federer but it's apparent who's more determine to win this. Federer has won this four times. Nadal none. So there you go!
Posted by
11/28/2010 08:38:00 PM
Nancy and I had the best view of the student's protest in Leeds Uni today. We had lunch at Charco's and it was like watching the news while eating! Lamb was slightly burnt though.
In case you are wondering, students were protesting over tuition fees and stuff like that which I'm not very clear of nor interested in. All I care is getting out of harm's way and watching from the sideline ;)

Posted by
11/25/2010 10:09:00 AM
I keep telling everyone that I'm very busy lately. That is partly true because there are lots of things going on around me, things that are there for me to experience. I never had this kind of fun before. Back in my old uni years, I was always just chilling in my room playing guitar loudly and trying my best to annoy the hell out of my neighbors. My friends would come by my room and we would sing and stuff. I still remember the songs we made and I really miss those days. Funny thing is I'm now still in uni, albeit a different one, and still playing guitar, but I get to do a bit more than that which is awesome.
My friend and I went to the Christmas Light Switch-on in Leeds last Friday. Unfortunately, we did not stay long enough to catch Shayne Ward and McFly perform. I've never been to a place more crowded than this though!

Here's me standing in the middle of the German market. Mad human traffic here too.

Santa on the big screen!

Friday was Harry Potter 7 for a bunch of us as we headed to The Light to catch the movie. I love how the movie is a carbon copy of the book. Let's just keep it that way and don't get creative like what they did in the past HP films.
Saturday we hopped on the train to Huddersfield for some laser tag fun. I didn't know how tiring it can get and that I wasn't prepared for!

Let me shoot somebody already!

Since my coursework involves pets, I can't help staring at dogs when the owners are walking them. I feel like I must do something. But what? Observe the owner-dog relationship? Approach the dog's owner and ask a few questions? Pat the dog? Help walk the dog?
Don't mind me. I'm just thinking out loud because after writing this post, I'm going to attempt to do my coursework.
Bath the dog?
Posted by
11/22/2010 06:21:00 AM
Best gig ever. By the end of the show, the crew threw Jim's pick to the crowd and I got it!
My friend's luckier cos she got Rick's pick handed over to her personally by him at the end!
It was a great show and I miss it already :'(
Posted by
11/16/2010 08:51:00 AM
Posted by
11/14/2010 11:09:00 PM
Last weekend we headed to Manchester for a trip to the Old Trafford stadium as well as Trafford Centre. I have to admit it was the first time I went on a train, ever! And I'm 23. That's something, right? And it was also the first bus travel I had since the trip from Heathrow to Paddington last month. I don't need to go on a bus in Leeds. Everywhere is within a walking distance!
So back to my story, we bought the day bus ride ticket for £3.50. They were about to have a match at the stadium that day so we weren't allowed inside. We hung around outside instead and snapped some photos. The place was crowded by supporters of the teams which 'til now I still don't know which teams played that day. Haha I don't deserve to be in that place, do I?
This is the sign from the side entrance.

I don't exactly know when winter is but I know that the weather now is starting to be unbearable. It's like walking inside a freezer, except this freezer stretches for miles and miles and there is no exit door around. The best way to deal with this is to think "Summer". Or in my case, think "Brunei". Haha.
Posted by
11/10/2010 07:08:00 AM
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