My mama swore that she would never let herself forget~
Oh, hi there. Sorry I was listening to music now as I type these words. And I can't focus when I listen to music because I'm still mouthing the song so I'll pause the song now...
Ah~ that's better.
Where was I?
In my last post, I was talking about how unlucky I was not seeing the snow fall. Well, I take back the whole paragraph down there. Now every time I go out, I am showered with white specks of snow and I'm beginning to think maybe it's not all that fun after all. Pretty, yes. Fun, depends on where I'm heading...If I'm going to class, I would love to be able to float all my way there. If out for some snow fight, yup that's the fun part!

And my little snow globe with Mr Rudolph looks extra pretty with the snowy background from my window sill. This is my first white Christmas after all!

Also, now that the semester is coming to an end, I fear for the worse to come because we will be having our exams in January, which gives me less than a month to study given the fact that I'll be on vacation in the middle of December. I keep harping about this but I want to do well in my exam and I don't want to flunk any papers!
And to date, I barely started my marketing report. Die la die.
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