Configure Me


Exam result is coming out soon. I don’t know how soon but soon enough, probably this week or the next. If I’ve had a holiday now, I would already have enjoyed one month of it. Instead, it feels like I’ve been placed in a different world here. It’s actually a very good experience because I get to see people working their asses off so I’ll be more prepared when I’m entering this big big world. I have probably gained insights that I normally wouldn’t gain when I’m lazing around at home. I have talked issues that I wouldn’t normally talk about from the people I met. But come to think of it, I’ve not made many acquaintances here even though this is one hell of a building. I’m still working on that. Alright, I’m actually not very good at that. Still. There are exceptionally nice people here and of course, from a large building, you can only expect all sorts of people from various backgrounds working here so it’s up to you to meet the right people that you can be friend with and can help you out. But after all that’s said and done, I still want to get the hell out of here. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I want to go back to school. I know I’ll change my mind when next semester begins. In the meantime, I’ll try not to whine too much.

I just started watching Kyle XY. In fact, I’ve watched the first season. There are only three seasons so I’m planning to watch the next too soon. Matt Dallas is so freaking cute =P