I finally watched Roland Garros last night. I had a little doubt with Federer but he made it through. That was close! I really hope that this time someone else wins this Grand Slam. Nothing against Nadal, I just thought it’d be interesting to watch.
Posted by
5/29/2009 09:05:00 AM
This post is gonna be in chunks. I’ll just write anything that pops in my mind.
Does anyone know what time French Open is on? I want to watch it. I don’t want to catch the live score online. Where’s the excitement in that? Tell me if you know.
So, I have started watching Samantha Who and I think it’s a great show. But I heard the show is canceling. That’s just too bad.
And I just finished watching Supernatural Season 3. Did I actually finish it or was it intended to be a cliffhanger? Jensen Ackles rocks.
I can’t wait for the weekend. Every Monday, I’ll start counting down to Friday. And before I know it, I’m counting down again. I can’t wait for the ‘holiday’ to end.
For more short updates, just read my tweets. I think I tweet everyday. I’m not sure. Writing a blog requires more time and effort and I’m lacking them these days.
Posted by
5/27/2009 07:19:00 AM

These past few days have been a bit slow for me. Most of the time I just sit there not knowing what I’m supposed to do and not daring to disturb my neighbors who seem so busy. Luckily for Nina, I can go downstairs to disturb her. We explored the building and at one point we actually go around the same corridors twice. It’s a bit confusing but we managed to get the hang of it. On the third day, I joined the team in a monthly meeting and it was scary and all because I don’t know anyone and I don’t know what everyone’s talking about throughout the meeting. Important things I figure. It’s alright I guess. I just don’t like waking up early in the morning. It’s like high school all over again.
Posted by
5/21/2009 08:26:00 PM
First of all, I’d like to wish this girl on my right a HAPPY 18th B’DAY!
Moving on~ Hahah. Sorry, but I’ve greeted her like so many times already today so I don’t want her to get sick of it.

And they can’t even spell diamond! And look at the 18. So shaky! I can do better.
Today, I went to RTB to watch a singing competition. To be precise, my mum joins the competition and I was there to support her.

That’s about all, I guess. I’m suddenly lazy to write because I just remember I need to sleep early today. Big day tomorrow!
Posted by
5/17/2009 10:19:00 PM
My old scanner worked so here are the pictures we’ve taken at the arcade as promised.
So, I’ve moved out of the hostel this morning. Packing was quick because my stuff was light. I avoided bringing the big stuff like fridge, air cooler, big laundry basket, microwave oven, that kind of stuff to the hostel. Anyone who’s been to my room agrees that it’s quite plain. And I like it that way. Now that I am home, I get to enjoy the TV and speaking of that, I just watched American Idol. I’m actually kinda glad it’s Kris in the final. I wanted Danny out ever since he hit that disturbing high note. But I love his performance last night. Well, somebody has got to go right?
Posted by
5/15/2009 12:03:00 AM

Please Nina, don’t you dare! Lol Don’t make that story of yours at FB. I will do a Mizah on you! What’s that website she said again? I will Mohawk your hair!
Posted by
5/13/2009 08:51:00 PM

Mini cakes to celebrate

We just bought some snacks

Waiting for Nina…

The “double-sided” birthday gift from all of us

Nina enjoying her cake
Posted by
5/05/2009 06:04:00 PM