A Box for Your Thought


Exam result came out yesterday. I had to wait a few more hours after the SMS result was sent to my sis phone to get the result. Well, my sis was at work, you see. And she didn’t bother forwarding the result to me. She’s very predictable. I don’t have a DST line so you see my problem. Next time I’m using my dad’s number.

I said before that I had a difficult paper for the last exam and I was right. Fortunately, I passed the paper but just barely with an E. Well, who’s complaining? I should’ve failed if the paper was marked by a robot. I also didn’t do quite well in another paper but I’m sure glad I passed everything. So now I can put a closure to these worries and stash it away in a box. And then I’ll take out a new box and fill it in with new worries that are yet to come. These things just never end.