Poster girl of the day.

I just want to say that I'm still chatting with this b*tch, I mean girl, as we speak. She just turned 20 there. Technically, she's still 19 here. If she was here she would've been 8 hours younger!

This is just me counting down to 12 midnight. I managed to print screen when it struck exactly 12. Cool awat?
Shely, if you are reading this (of course you are), remember what I said about that thing that I said a few minutes earlier. To boil it down, be a good girl for me, will you? (trying to sound like mother) Shely also requested pictures that I deem inappropriate for my blog so I will just leave her with this instead.

Ah, who am I kidding. Of course she wants to see more!
I just don't get what you see in this guy, though.

So isn't this way better?
I'm just saying.
Once again, Happy Birthday, Shely. Have a blast!
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