Another attempt in breaking and entering by yet another beast. This time a small monitor lizard came crawling up our front door and attempted to climb on the glass door. After it failed to enter, it swiftly moved away. But of course, not before I snapped a photo of the culprit!

In case you are wondering, the hornbill still visits from time to time, never failing to knock loudly on my window. It's so loud that it sounded like a stone thrown at my window. Why does it like to land on the teeny window sill that it obviously can't fit? There must be something about my window sill that the bird find attractive.
Another incident was a pack of dogs came unannounced in the vicinity of our home, as if they are searching for a meeting place. I didn't get to snap any picture because my dad went out and scared them away. And mind you, they were all big dogs and seemed well organised. Scary as hell!
Animals and whatnots aside, here is a simple treat that I enjoy;
mantou or the Chinese steamed bun.
They are like my Doritos and my Lays.
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