It's kind of hard to play Happy Island and blog at the same time because I keep going back to my island to collect coins and rubbish. I literally meant trash that visitors leave on the island. We're like the virtual Beach Bunch, you know. I did mention how much I hated Facebook games and I still do but I play them anyway because I have nothing better to do. I don't like how they want us to actually pay for coins using paypal and stuff because there are actually some cases where kids maxed out their parents credit because of that. It's really unhealthy. I think we should just stick to the conventional way of playing, that is wait 24 hours before collecting your gem (or whatever it is you are playing) . Don't cheat!
My fish was beside me when I watched the Glee episode with Gaga songs and when they started dancing to Gaga's Bad Romance my fish got excited! I think it's the flashes from the screen that caused that. I was like, "Wow, I didn't know you're a Gaga fan!" It's really interesting because after that song, the next scene is a slow scene and the fish relaxed and stared transfix on the screen as if it was concentrating. Sometimes I wonder what is going on in its mind.
I finally get the chance to hang out with Mijah last Monday. We wanted to watch a movie but the schedules doesn't go with ours so we decided against it. We went to the arcade instead. There were a lot of people at the mall which is probably due to the school holiday. I didn't actually have any photos. I only managed to get these.

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