How's my fish, you say? No you didn't? I'll just go on anyway :)
I've decided on a theme: pink.

Since the fish came in a small tank with pink cover I figure why the hell not? But for the past two weeks all I've done is pretty much feed it twice a day and clean the tank once a week sometimes less. When I say clean, I don't mean throwing out all the water of course. I know fish takes time to adjust to new environment. In this case water. I may be new at this thing but I'm not dumb.
I do pity the fish though. It's placed on the left side of my desk by the wall and that area is a pretty lonely one since it is often neglected by visitors and the only friends are the stupid lizards that like to slide into the air con control box on the wall. So I try to make an effort to glance at the fish once in a while. It's just too bad I can't cuddle it in my hand like cats or dogs. I wonder what would happen if I do that.
Once I brought it into the dining room and placed it on the dining table. I was showing it to my family and we were talking and laughing. Then I realized right there on the table we were serving fried fish! I hope my fish did not see that.
It'd be nice if the fish has company wouldn't it? Well, that's something I will contemplate.