First of all, I just want to thank those who greeted me on my birthday. So in return, I have decided to update my blog J This is my birthday cake yam flavored. It’s kind of big, I think two kilos would best describe the dimension of the cake. And this year they got the name correct on my cake! (Last year, my sister’s name was on my cake)

These are some of the gifts I got. I’m not telling you what I actually got but I can tell you these: they are good stuff J Of course nothing tops angpows because my haul this year is better than last year *evil smile*

My cousin edited this photo of me the south park style. Apparently, you can edit it using a photo of yours with this application or something. Thanks yeah!

Last night I couldn’t sleep because I kept thinking about our presentation this August. I just received an email from the coordinator and it freaked the hell out of me. I don’t know why I’m being so nervous. I haven’t even completed my attachment for a start and I still have time to prepare for the presentation, plus my report is more than halfway done. I shouldn’t be so damn scared, right? Right. *Exhales*
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