One more day to go. I’m going to miss the place obviously, especially the desk where I’m sitting at. Every place that I’ve been, when it’s coming to an end, there is always this sense of sadness because I was there at some point in my life. I’ll put that memory in a box along with other good memories I’ve had there and hope one day I will have the chance to visit the place again. Well, every ending brings about a new beginning. So, after closing that door, I will open up a new door and prepare to walk in. Yes, everyone is anticipating the next semester. I am no exception. I am pretty sure I’ll go back to my old ways of dozing off in class or simply staring blankly at the lecturer. I will try to give efforts in digesting the lectures. God, I hate lectures. They are like bed time stories – without the story. Hope I can survive listening.

Thank you very much Nina ;)

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