Posted by
6/29/2009 09:44:00 AM
Just one month left. I don’t know what to feel. But I know right now I’m feeling very sleepy. It feels like my head is spinning and my lids are heavy. I want a pillow. Can I bring one?
This is how Nina looks like when she’s focusing on her work and being all serious.
I know I don’t update everyday so I shouldn’t really talk about something that will be old news the next day but still… Well, I was kinda surprise when Juan Martin Del Potro lost to Lleyton Hewitt in the second round last night. I mean, Del Potro is World No. 5 and this only shows that every match is unpredictable. But then, Hewitt was a world no. 1 way back when and he did win the Wimbledon Title in 2002 so it’s just fair that he won yesterday. I like the matches in the ‘odd’ days cause my favourite players are playing, Djokovic and Federer. So I’ll be looking forward to their matches tonight!
The Belgian girl with the 56 star tattoos confessed that she lied about being asleep during the procedure. And said she actually wanted it that way.
Posted by
6/26/2009 08:13:00 AM
In The News: Belgian girl asked for three star tattoos on her face (above her left eyebrow), fell asleep and woke up with 56 stars covering half her face.

“Maybe she asked for three galaxies.”
- Andy Madden
Back to reality, I have five weeks left of my attachment, which means I have to start polishing my report and prepare the presentation slides. I abandoned my attempt to write the report outline using M Office 2007 because I’m not used to it and I’m very old fashioned in that sense. I like the old 2003 version. Much more suitable for me.
Posted by
6/22/2009 07:13:00 AM
The exam result came out when I least expected it. I was with Nina at my desk and we were talking about it. Moments later my sis Sharon chat with me and told me my result is out. The first thing that came to my mind was, “You’re kidding!” I thought she was lying. Then she said, “Then what is MA 3222?” My sis couldn’t have known any of my courses so at that moment Nina and I ‘jumped’ in excitement and after that, Nina dashed downstairs to get her phone and my sis called and told me my results. I’m happy with my result. I didn’t think I did well but I guess I did fine. So now I have to look ahead and get ready for the next semester, after my attachment of course. Speaking of that, sigh, I don’t want to talk about it. Oh, but I did want to talk about something. A colleague of mine brought a stray kitten to the office yesterday. It was raining heavily and she found it wandering around outside a supermarket and rescued it. It’s so cute, you know. I wish I have a cat now =)
Posted by
6/17/2009 08:18:00 AM
I just started watching Kyle XY. In fact, I’ve watched the first season. There are only three seasons so I’m planning to watch the next too soon. Matt Dallas is so freaking cute =P

Posted by
6/15/2009 03:38:00 PM
The weekend is coming again. And I’ve already got plans so I’m quite looking forward to it. It’s been a month since I’ve been thrown in this hell hole. The demons have not been pleasant to me. To be fair, they are busy unleashing hell on papers so I’ve been quietly chunk aside. I’m just staring at the vast empty red wall in front of me and I can’t collect enough feathers to build wings to fly away. I will be released only if I have done my deeds to my fellow demons and the angels upstairs. So in the meantime, I’ll just have to suck it up and enjoy the weekend the best I can before a borehole swallow me up once again.
Sorry about the writings. I watched too much TV (Supernatural).
I need to clean my laptop screen. I’ve just been staring at the screen for five minutes before I realize I have nothing else to write. And I happen to see fingerprints and all sorts of blotches on the screen. Screen cleaner, anyone?
Posted by
6/12/2009 01:54:00 PM

Posted by
6/08/2009 06:42:00 AM
If you are here to read about me and whatever I encounter these past weeks, I’m sorry to disappoint you because I’m very into French Open right now so all you will be hearing from me is tennis and Federer. At least until the end of the week. And probably some more days after that for me to sink in the result. I promise I’ll get back to ‘normal’ mode after that.
Robin Soderling vs. Fernando Gonzales
I read this article earlier and thought I’d post a funny quote by the author:
Posted by
6/04/2009 08:14:00 AM
If you haven’t seen the hot pink shirt Nadal wear (bear in mind that it is not sleeveless and has a collar) here is a picture.

Posted by
6/02/2009 07:26:00 AM