Ăncơm Đingủ [Eat Sleep]


It’s funny how our accent tends to change when we speak with a foreigner. I remember when I used to speak English with a Thai worker. My English will have this funny broken hybrid sound to it. Then there was this Vietnamese. Even worse. It was really hard to communicate with her so I brought out my weird accent to fit hers in the hopes that she would understand better in that tone.

So anyway, my mum was at this pottery place where the salesman was a China guy. I was listening to their conversation. And when I turn around to speak to my sis, I was surprised the words coming out of my mouth has a Mainland accent. See how it gets to me so quickly? It’s like after you watch a Korean drama, you feel like you can speak the language, or at least imitate it. But after a while, you forgot how it sounds like so you get back your original accent. Then, you might pick up one or two accents in the future when you meet yet another foreigner. It’s a curious case of accent osmosis.