It’s Empty


I went to KB town a few days ago, and then to Tutong town. You know what I noticed? They’re like ghost towns. Maybe I didn’t pick the rush hours time but still, in a row of shops in KB, I was pretty much the only one walking along them. In fact, there were plenty of parking spaces. I actually felt odd just walking around. There may be another explanation – not pay day week. Or maybe they just prefer big supermarkets rather than small stores that sell just a bit of this and that. Well, small towns in Brunei are always dubbed ghost towns anyway so there’s no surprise there. Business is unfortunately going down the drain with lack of shoppers roaming around. It’s just been very quiet at the moment.

Earlier today, my sis and I made this banana ice-cream using fresh bananas. All I can say is it was a failure. I don’t know what makes it taste so bad (actually it did taste like banana - it's just taste funny). Maybe the milk has gone bad. We dumped it. Maybe I’ll try to make strawberry ice-cream next time.