When I was a kid, I used to love the song Sleeping in my car by Roxette and I would sing along to it everytime it was played on the tape or radio, I can't remember. And I seriously don't know the exact lyrics to the song. I just know it's catchy and totally liked it. Well, I searched for the lyrics and realized this is how the chorus go:
Sleeping in my car, I will undress you
Sleeping in my car, I will caress you
Staying in the back seat of my car making up
Ok... maybe it's not a suitable song for a kid but I didn't know -.-
Posted by
3/29/2008 10:33:00 AM

Actually, I didn’t know much about Queen until years ago when I heard Wang Lee Hom sang a cover of Queen’s We Are The Champion for this Chinese program for a Cancer patient who was a fan of his. I was really a big fan of Lee Hom and I got interested the instant I heard him sang that song over a guitar. Immediately, I went out to buy Queen’s album: Greatest Hits Volume II if I’m not mistaken. Going through the songs from the album, I found out one thing about the band: they have a unique blend of pop rock and operatic music. It’s different from other rock bands of the 70s. And I thought Bohemian Rhapsody was the weirdest. If you’ve heard it you’ll probably know what I mean. Nevertheless, I came to like that particular song and was able to sing along to it, tone deaf.
I once came across the story of how Freddie died in 1991. As you may know, he died of AIDS-related bronchial pneumonia at the age of 45. But what I didn’t know was that he was gay, pardon me. I read an article from findadeath.com which was part of a book by Jim Hutton, his then partner. It is a touching story about Jim taking care of Freddie and how he survived each day. Towards the end I felt so close to that moment that I can actually see Freddie in his final condition. I’ve watched videos of AIDS patients before, how they slowly ‘rot’ and can’t move their bodies and how they can’t even blink their eyes. Just laying there waiting for death to arrive. It’s sad and lonely and most of all, scary. Those images I saw never got out of my mind. That was what came through my mind as I read the story. I think Freddie was a brave man, never showing his weakness despite his deteriorating health.
So Freddie was there, a beer in one hand, discussing about what to include in the lyrics and what not to. Brian May was testing his guitar while Roger Taylor walked over to his drums. The lyrics were built piece by piece as the song progressed. It was Freddie’s style of making a new song. He then added his own vocals overlapping his pre-recorded vocals as background. The song was finally done and the final music video was shown.
I watched the video with interest. I observed Freddie, and I imagined his illness, how much happier he looked in this video comparing to the true sad story told by Jim. He had lived his life the best he possibly could. And he had succeeded way beyond most people despite his terminal illness. Life may not always be as we expected it to be. Everyday, we may encounter bad situations. We can choose to go through the day and think positively or we can choose to whine and complain. Life is all about making decisions. Freddie had made the wrong choice once and he knew there was no turning back. Therefore, he chose to live everyday not thinking about the fate that awaited him. He had one vision: be positive.
(The image above consists of screenshots from One Vision Documentary, edited by yours truly)
Posted by
3/27/2008 02:14:00 PM

Well, talking about favourite actor, I used to be a big fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger! Call me crazy but I used to watch his movies again and again. I don’t know why I like him, considering the fact that he has strong Austrian accent and he’s not the best looking actor. I guess it’s because he’s always the hero. I’ve watched most of his movies, from the famous ‘The Terminator’ to older action films like ‘Commando’ and ‘Predator’ to comedies like ‘Jingle All The Way’ – you name it. But as I get older, I get to know other actors and actresses so I sort of moved on. Now I like a lot of actors and actresses. It’s hard to say which one I like the best. I guess there is no ‘the best’ because there are many great actors out there with their own skills and charms. Nobody’s perfect. We all have different quialities.
Posted by
3/24/2008 11:11:00 AM
I don’t really know much about kittens so I’m not really sure how to take care of them. Fortunately, they’re not mine, sparing me the time to feed them. But I really like them and miss them a lot when I’m not around. I just miss playing with them, really. Don’t know a thing about caring for cats =P
Posted by
3/24/2008 11:06:00 AM

Posted by
3/17/2008 12:00:00 PM
I'm not going back home this week coz there's tons of work to do. It's not that bad staying at the hostel, really. Of coure, that's only because I've been busy. Hostel is the best place if you need space to do your work. But otherwise, it's boring. But I guess I've gotten over the boring part, at least for now. I mean, no parents yelling at you for watching movies until dawn.
Well, now I'm in my hostel room. Supposed to study Maths coz tomorrow's the tests. Yes, with 's', that's 2 tests. I don't know which one I'm suppose to concentrate more. Both seem equally important. And for both, there are one more chapter each I'm yet to indulge in. If I ever get back to it now that I'm pretty attached to my pc. Whatever I plan to do later, I hope it helps me pass. Gotta get back to my work now. It's getting late.
Posted by
3/14/2008 09:30:00 PM
My brother got this papercraft book and was all over it for days. Believe me, what you see here is just the portion of the clutter he made. I had to clear the table several times for his latest hobby. But I enjoy criticizing his work.
Posted by
3/10/2008 11:18:00 AM
It's near the end of the one-week holiday and I've not touch my school work at all. This is somewhat predictable coz of the distraction at home. If I really wanna study I would've stayed at the hostel. Well, these days I've been watching CSI:Miami, Desperate Housewives and House. You know it's like a marathon. I finished watching one season in 2 days. I think my head is about to burst. Everyday I try to do my project but everyday I end up putting it aside. Don't know what to do.
By the way, this morning my sis woke me up telling me our cat Mourri just gave birth to 4 kittens. They're cute! I'll post the photos next week if I get around to snapping some.
Posted by
3/07/2008 12:34:00 PM
current mood song: Over You by Chris Daughtry
last song I heard: Save Yourself by Sense Field (last night)
last song I played with guitar: Over You by Chris Daughtry (last night)
last song I sing: Over You by Chris Daughtry (last night)
last band I Googled: Queen (3 days ago)
last TV series I watch: House M.D. (4 days ago)
last song I wrote: Saved in my Memory (last month)
last movie I watch: don't remember (last week or month)
Next week is the holiday so if I post anything, it means I'm posting via my phone so most probably no pictures. I've got no plans at all next week, which I'm suppose to have since there're tests coming the week after next. I'll make a list if I can.
On a totally non-related topic, here's a picture of a kid in pajamas riding the guitar. Cool eh? Except for the fact that the guitar was not plugged...
Posted by
3/01/2008 11:40:00 AM