My Updated Mood


current mood song: Over You by Chris Daughtry

last song I heard: Save Yourself by Sense Field (last night)

last song I played with guitar: Over You by Chris Daughtry (last night)

last song I sing: Over You by Chris Daughtry (last night)

last band I Googled: Queen (3 days ago)

last TV series I watch: House M.D. (4 days ago)

last song I wrote: Saved in my Memory (last month)

last movie I watch: don't remember (last week or month)

Next week is the holiday so if I post anything, it means I'm posting via my phone so most probably no pictures. I've got no plans at all next week, which I'm suppose to have since there're tests coming the week after next. I'll make a list if I can.

On a totally non-related topic, here's a picture of a kid in pajamas riding the guitar. Cool eh? Except for the fact that the guitar was not plugged...