Sorry it took me so long to write a post these days. I've been working on things. Hah, as if. Nah, I just haven't got the inspiration to write up a good story. So here goes nothing.
As the girls were about to leave for an event, all dressed up with their coats on, I grabbed my camera and snap a photo of them.

Looking good girls..Wait a minute, what's that on your hand, Izzy?
Now, how can I forget the the most basic thing you can do with eggs? Half-boil them! I took the liberty to prepare breakfast for myself one fine afternoon. And I had this along with a bowl of maggie and another bowl of cereal. In my defense, I was so hungry I could eat a horse!
My last story of the day is my tennis racket came and I tried it out with my housemate yesterday. I miss playing tennis so much! It's so good to hold a racket again. Brings me back to those days back home. Unfortunately, it started snowing again today so there goes tennis playing. Maybe that's a sign so that I take this time to study for the upcoming exam.

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