I have nothing better to write about but this.

Honestly, there is nothing much going on here that I can share but the story of how I met your...not-so-common spider here in the UK. I know of all the things I could talk about, I choose to talk about spiders. WTH. But hear me out!
I used to see spiders all the time back in my old uni. Ah hell, back in my country they are everywhere! And it really surprises me that none of these crawlies can be seen anywhere here. And finally one day I met one.
It was just crawling on the wall directly in front of me. Wow. I have to admit I miss seeing these creatures. They are beautiful and make annoying webs all over corners but still...they are such wonders!
This particular one was crawling funny though. I couldn't figure out why. It crawled around as if it's missing a leg. But it wasn't! So til now I am still wondering why is that, but I guess I'll never know...
If you are still reading up to this point you really must have nothing better to do.
Also, now that the exam's over and I have a few days before classes begin next week, I've really been putting off things I'm suppose to do. Today I made plans to do four things and by midnight, I did none of those. I'm such an excellent procrastinator! I'll try to really do them tomorrow and hope I actually get them done.
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