These past few days of Chinese New Year have been tiring for me even though I’ve just been staying at home. Yes, this year I haven’t been to other places at all. It’s near impossible to leave since people come at different times. Not that I am complaining. I hate traveling in the hot weather anyway so I’m okay with it.
I would like to share some pictures from this year's CNY in this post now that I’m in the mood.

My little cousin from Bandar. I don’t even know her name :(

And here are the rest of her brothers and us

Mijah never misses coming to my house on the first day. Unfortunately, she missed the lion dance troop!

The troop came a little late this year. I think the heat slows them down a bit.

Here I am with my siblings and most of my cousins.
One of them refused to take a picture with us ;)

My brother teaching my niece (sorta) to play DSLite

Cikgu Ramizah and Nina came as well :D

I don’t know but I think food finds her in many pics?
Ok, I don’t even know what I just said…next!

My cousin and my bro
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