Posted by
2/26/2010 03:55:00 PM
Posted by
2/20/2010 06:37:00 PM
These past few days of Chinese New Year have been tiring for me even though I’ve just been staying at home. Yes, this year I haven’t been to other places at all. It’s near impossible to leave since people come at different times. Not that I am complaining. I hate traveling in the hot weather anyway so I’m okay with it.
I would like to share some pictures from this year's CNY in this post now that I’m in the mood.
My little cousin from Bandar. I don’t even know her name :(
And here are the rest of her brothers and us
Mijah never misses coming to my house on the first day. Unfortunately, she missed the lion dance troop!
The troop came a little late this year. I think the heat slows them down a bit.
Here I am with my siblings and most of my cousins.
One of them refused to take a picture with us ;)
My brother teaching my niece (sorta) to play DSLite
Cikgu Ramizah and Nina came as well :D
I don’t know but I think food finds her in many pics?
Ok, I don’t even know what I just said…next!
My cousin and my bro
Posted by
2/16/2010 09:52:00 PM
It’s the time of the year again. I wouldn’t say this year is much different from the last. We are using the same decoration stuff from last year. At least I believe we don’t need to buy those every year. Save trees therefore save the earth, that kind of excuse you know. But the problem with recycling deco materials is they get shabbier each year. And they tend to be missing some parts and have left over tapes all over them. So what I usually do is I sort out the good from the bad. The bad ones, I simply throw them away. The good ones, up they go all over the walls of our house. Well, don’t think that we have tons of decorations. We don’t. We like to keep things simple. The most important thing is not the decoration itself, it’s the cleanliness of the house.
We had many gifts from friends and relatives today and one of the memorable ones is this cake that we got from one of mum’s customer.
I think the 3D effect is pretty cool. And actually, we don’t really know what to do with the cake since it doesn’t seem suitable to be served tomorrow. We usually serve Malay cakes which I think is more convenient and less of a mess. This cake that you see is a fresh cream cake like the ones we have for our birthdays. So I think I’ll just have a piece later ;)
Today is Chinese New Year’s eve so mum and dad cooked up something special for us all. Grandma was with us as well so all the more reason to celebrate. But
Tomorrow, I’m sure, is going to be a busy day for me. But to prepare, we laid out some food on the table. We’re so lazy that we just put everything as they are and didn’t bother transferring them to little containers. My uncle came yesterday and he brought us some new year treats. And I only realized he got us a big bag of garlic bread. Want some for CNY?
Here I would like to wish you all a Happy Chinese New Year!
Xin Nian Kuai Le,
Wan Shi Ru Yi,
Shen Ti Jian Khang!
Posted by
2/13/2010 10:40:00 PM
I was so busy these past few days that I almost forgot about this blog. But now that I have a little time on my hand, I thought I might as well do some updates here. I am still not free because the poster that I need to do is eagerly calling my name. I can almost feel it breathing down my neck. Okay, I’ll just be quick here then. This post is about what I did last week.
When I was home last week, I was busy scrubbing the floor and decorating the house. Reason one why I didn’t update. That’s a valid one.
Happy advanced Chinese New Year everyone, although frankly speaking, I don’t feel the spirit here at all. There was a string of fireworks earlier but that’s it. There is no music to lift the spirit and no ‘reds’ around me so I am one of those who are being isolated from the CNY world. But there’s not much I can do since I’m quite busy myself.
Last week, I was in town and I saw this graffiti on the wall. I don’t know they still do that nowadays. It’s so yesterday!
I also went to this restaurant in KB last week which is called 11th Sports Café or something. I just never get the name of that place. When I find out the name, I’ll tell you. Oh, I might add that the waiters there can be very annoying because they kept coming to our table. Maybe it’s because they lack customers, whatever, bottom line is they’re annoying.
I also went for sushi with my sis and Mijah last week. It’s nice to finally meet up with her because it’s been a while since we hang out. I miss those days in high school!
Posted by
2/11/2010 10:33:00 PM
Today, I feel like a first year looking around for the education office with Nina. We actually went around the second floor and down to the first and still couldn’t locate the main office area. We had to ask around. Imagine that! I don’t know how we missed it but we finally found it…and it was empty. To be fair, it was during lunch time so obviously the office was closed.
We were sitting around killing time mostly
The faculty building looks pretty much empty
Vandalising in action...
(Ok, not ;P Don’t go looking for the girl in the Nike sneakers!)
Posted by
2/04/2010 10:48:00 PM
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