

Takoyaki is a popular Japanese street food that one can easily enjoy in many Japanese restaurants around the world. It is no stranger to us in this country as it has been around for years, my most memorable having been that located at the basement of The Mall. Basically, it is a ball-shape pancake made primarily with a mixed batter containing diced octopus, and cooked in a special pan with round indentations. Cooking it requires skill, no doubt. This dish is served with special takoyaki sauce and Japanese Mayonnaise and I can assure you it tastes amazing.

Takoyaki (source)

I was having my dinner at Excapade the other day when I found another dish that tastes very much like Takoyaki. It's the Japanese Pizza, as you can see below. I wonder if they are one and the same.

Japanese Pizza from Excapade

The only difference is there are much more variety of mixed vegetables in this pizza. I tasted carrots and mushroom. Other than that, I would say they are very similar. I would really recommend this dish if you're a fan of takoyaki. You should definitely give this a try the next time you pop by Excapade.