Scotland is probably the most beautiful place I've visited so far. From the city of Edinburgh that divides the old and the new to the beautiful Highlands that house a sizeable number of lochs, glens and mountains, they have it all. There is also a very rich history and strong heritage here. You get to hear about the Loch Ness monster, the ghosts of Edinburgh, witchery, the public hangings in Grassmarket and many more myths and gruesome stories of the past. I'm quite fascinated by them and I would love to make another trip here again some day.

This is the New Town area facing the sea, which is also our apartment's view.

Listening to the commentary while riding the tour bus. Ooops, wrong channel.

The highland bulls.

A beautiful glen in the Highland.

We took a cruise around the famous Loch Ness. The view was spectacular but unfortunately, no creature was spotted in the lake. Maybe Nessie was taking a break.

At East Princes Street Gardens.

As we walk along The Mount, we came across a guy playing the bagpipes so here is a picture opportunity with him ;)

The Edinburgh festival in August is in full swing now. This includes the Assembly festival, I think. Not sure what it is though.

The Royal Mile! We actually arrived in Edinburgh on the day of the royal wedding so this street was closed for the wedding and we couldn't get in so we came here on Monday instead.

The Edinburgh castle is a place you can't miss wherever you are in Edinburgh because its up the hill and is very much conspicuous.

Another one of those "street performers" and as usual, this one moves as soon as I donated a few pennies. I also stopped for another street performance that lasted a good one hour which involves balloons, whips and chains. Don't ask.

This is children in the Victorian times, taken in the Museum of Childhood.

Arguably the most haunted close in Edinburgh. I wanted to take a tour but I was by myself as our group has separated that day so decided against it. Yes, I chickened out! hmmph.

Unnecessary picture of me as I was about to walk up (not down) the hill on my way to the castle.

This is one of the many museums I visited. It was recommended by my favourite Scottish author Ian Rankin. But once I entered, I realised I don't know any of those writers whose works are on display. Fail.

A view of Edinburgh from Mound Place.
Finally, I made it through to the last picture. I'm really not a fan of posting many pictures because it is a very tiring job to do but for the sake of people who still visit my blog, I have to make an exception. I have exactly one month left to submit my work so there will be no more trips like this so from now on, my updates will not be as adventurous. Just a heads up. Chao for now.