I love movie nights, especially if they are not planned. We've had a few of those nights this month. Last night, the Spenceleys watched Paranormal Activity 2: Tokyo Night in our living room. I hate how they let us watch one scene that seems like nothing was gonna happen that lasted nearly one minute before something suddenly move. I wouldn't watch it alone actually and NOT because I'm afraid (I swear!) but I simply don't normally watch thriller movies that contain paranormal events. You would agree that they don't usually make much sense especially the ending part.
Watching it with people brings a different kind of flavor to the whole thriller type of movies, you know.
One of those days during the Easter break, we watched The Roommate with some of the group...The movie was okay and I only say that because I just watched Source Code the day before watching this movie. Source Code was awesome!

photo credits to Izzy
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