My third ice skating experience was in Leeds itself with my three housemates. The temperature that night was freezing, which I think is very suitable for this activity. In fact, the day after it actually snowed!
I fell once if you must know. It was simply ridiculous because I was heading towards the hand railing and I guess I was so excited to be near the railing that I slipped and fell just as I was about to grab it. Stoopid.

Just when I thought winter is over, the snow decides to fall again. I woke up this morning to an unfamiliar alarm sound, climbed out of bed, pull the curtain and BAM! Snow was all over the place! There goes my tennis session. But in actuality I was kinda glad it snowed because the thought of waking up early is just dreadful. And I happily climbed back to bed. I didn't go back to sleep though. I spent the next few hours playing games on my phone instead. Ah, I love the weekend!
Then after a quick breakfast, I went with my mates to watch the football and netball matches our society was having at the sports hall. After a few hours, we got tired of sitting on the floor for too long so we went back home and cooked a late lunch consisting of fried rice, nuggets and a slightly too salty vegetable dish that I whipped up. Sorry guys. I'll do better next time!
Tomorrow is another weekend so I hope to spend it wisely!
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