Is this the winter season? I can't really tell but there is already snow all across the UK. I still haven't get the chance to see snow fall and when I look out the window, there is already a blanket of snow and I missed it.
And this is just random but I love this cute little snow globe I got from the German market the other day!

I also love it when my housemates cook because it means I don't have to order takeout and I get to eat homecooked meal. I wish I can cook like them! I can't remember how I used to cook back at home. All I know is I don't get creative and I tend to just stick to the basic ingredients.

Oh yeah, I'm excited about the final today where we will see the two greats playing against each other at the O2 Arena in London.
Who I think would win? I want to say Federer but it's apparent who's more determine to win this. Federer has won this four times. Nadal none. So there you go!