The final year Math students hosted an open house on Wednesday. The time it took for us to prepare was one hour. Everything was going as planned. Like I said, I kept having nightmares. So obviously something wasn’t right. Well, what do you know? The room was reserved by a lecturer. I knew something like that’s gonna happen. So we had no choice but to move to the class next door. What a waste of effort in decorating the room. We were just so lazy to reserve and I’m not even sure if we have the authority to do that. But anyway, the day wasn’t so bad after that. We had a food overload problem though (too much food too few attendees) and we ended up dividing everything in the sandwich bags we brought. Well, I would say we really did have a great time. I really want to thank everyone who attended. We really appreciate it. Here are some pictures but you can always find more of these in you-know-where.

I love this pic. It’s filled with love. lol

Not shiny enough?

Math 4th year students with Dr. Hoque

With Dr. Saiful

They look like they're in a band or something

Our Computer Science mates

Group photo with most of the Math lecturers
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