HM's birthday fell on a rainy Sunday. Unlike other citizens of the country, I did not watch the live broadcast of the ceremony because I'm ashamed to say we don't have the receiver for local channels. Nevertheless, we did 'celebrate' a birthday. Not His Majesty's, mine. I'll post about the cake later because I promised not to talk food for this post.
Our national flag hoisted up proudly despite the rain.
Jazelle relaxing outside the house and watching the rain pour.
She loves the outdoor.
A wet gloomy Sunday, indeed.
A lazy dog on a lazy Sunday
Well, almost lazy Sunday. To be honest, we had our little party with guests and plenty of food to celebrate my birthday in advance. To top it off, we had a delicious custard cocktail fruit cake and for dinner, I went out with my siblings for sushi. We were gunning for macha ice cream so there were plenty of sweet desserts on the table. I even managed to squeeze in a gym session in the evening in my attempt to burn the calories off. So it turned out to be quite an eventful day for us. Like I always say, I love the weekend!